Grow Schedules

Jack’s 321
What is #Jacks321? Have you read about Jack’s 321 or seen the hashtag on insta? Jack’s 321 is our tried and true two-part fertilizer program. It consists of Jack’s Nutrients Part A 5-12-26, Jack’s Nutrients Part B 15-0-0 and Epsom Salts. BUT where does that “321” come from, you ask? It’s the shortened amount of each fertilizer in grams per gallon.
To mix up the perfect blend of Jack’s 321 you will need:
3.6 grams Part A
2.4 grams Part B
1.1 grams of Epsom salts
This will give you a blend of nutrients for growing almost any controlled environment crop, in any growing system. The order of additions is VERY important. You must add the 5-12-26 first and make sure it is completely dissolved, then add in the Epsom salts making sure it is completely dissolved, then finally the calcium nitrate.

Pure & Simple Nutrition Schedule
For the Purist in you. This nutrition schedule contains formulas designed to add back all the beneficial nutrients your plants need to grow and thrive. Targeted to achieve the optimal nutrient balance for low alkalinity waters such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), rain or distilled water types.

The City Limits Nutrition Schedule
Prefer Tap Water? This kit contains formulas that effectively provide all the necessary macro, secondary and micronutrients to complement water from many different water sources, like municipal and some well waters. The combination of the grow and bloom formulas utilizes the good nutrients that are found in tap water sources and lessens the effects of some of the undesirable things that some municipalities have to add to treat water.

Jack's 321 Nutrition Schedule
You be the scientist, but let Jack’s help! This kit is designed to allow you to tweak your Nutrients to achieve your balance of Part A and Part B. Some growers follow our Jack’s 3-2-1 program with this combination of formulas and achieve the elusive flexibility and stability in many different growing environments.

Jack's for Fruiting Crop Production
Heaven on the vine. This plan utilizes formulas that effectively provide all the necessary macro, secondary and micronutrients to grow a strong tomato crop with maximum taste and yield in the fruit. The combination of the formulas delivers the optimum nutrient concentrations at the different stages for a hydroponic tomato crop.

Jack's 321 - Grams to Hit for EC targets
Would you rather feed by EC? Check out this chart for all your Jack's 321 EC needs.

Jack's Custom for Outdoor Production
Harvest on! This plan utilizes formulas that effectively provide all the necessary macro, secondary and micronutrients to complement your water & root zone. The combination of the formulas delivers the optimum nutrient concentrations for an outdoor crop with our natural sunlight as the key!

EC Unit Calculations
Would you rather feed by EC? Check out this chart for all your EC needs.